
Crusaders of Space: Open Range

Crusaders of Space: Open Range

Great shooter which entertains with its colorful levels, wide range of ammo and many enemies. Sink into the space and destroy one dogfighter after another. Finish both episodes and enjoy the action.
If you don’t feel to be fit for the normal difficulty, begin with the easy one. The basic thing is shooting down all the enemies. The right action begins aver the ninth level where destruction becomes more evident and you have to avoid things as well. If you collect any bonus you will take it into the next levels so the result can be really effective. But if you get hit you lose one bonus. The game style is changed sometimes, for example you fly through some are but only the background moves and you can move only from right to left. Bosses are put into the game as well and you can meet huge floating islands.

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Crusaders of Space: Open Range Crusaders of Space: Open Range Crusaders of Space: Open Range Crusaders of Space: Open Range Crusaders of Space: Open Range Crusaders of Space: Open Range

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