
Crystal Wave

Crystal Wave

Universe, the final frontier. This is the story of one ship, although not the Enterprise and crew consist only of yourself. This game isn't a way too deep developed, do not expect an epic adventure. Here awaits a game of survival for as long as possible and again only survival.
You are enjoying a ride trough infinite space and suddenly you are startled by incoming alien ships. Unfortunately, their variability isn't large, but at least in quantity, they do not fall behind. Your only and the main task is to survive as long as possible, but also to collect as many points as possible. They are presented by green stones. The greater ones add ten points to your score, the smaller ones add just one point. Harvesting them is quite tricky, but at least after you fill up a special energy meter, you can pull the stones near yourself and the shock wave caused by the use of this special weapon kills the other enemies around. The game really cranks up speed after a few seconds and the end is very quick. Just one hit is enough for you to see the game over screen. Short, but quite action-tuned game.

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