
G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island

G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island

Fighting game with G.I. Joe elite commando. Kick some terrorist bottom in fine tempo and various locations with action and riding moments.
You are Snake Eyes or Hawk who are member of elite unit G.I. Joe. The game takes you into moments where you have to beat and destroy everything in your way, really beat’em all action where you continue after the sector is clean.
Retro atmosphere is completed thank the retro graphics and rich music. The control of the game isn’t perfect. Fighting the hordes can turn into stereotype because using only one button for attack, on for jump and one for special attack isn nothing great.

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G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island G.I. Joe Assault On Cobra Island

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