
MooD: Waist-High in Hell

MooD: Waist-High in Hell

Mood in English means how do you feel at the moment, but I have a great sense that this word is Doom, written backwards. Why? Mainly due to game content that truly commemorates this legendary classic. So, if you do not mind buckets of blood and a deadly shooting, then...

Sorry to disappoint you at the beginning, since the view is not as in the classic Doom, but a look at the area where all the action takes place. You can choose either a single player campaign where you try to crawl through all the levels and beat arch-enemies or demons. And the second is the hotseat, a multiplayer game on one computer. The campaign is fairly large and offers increasing difficulty. During the journey, you encounter many enemies, and that there are some really strange ones doesn't need to be marked. As to the hotseat, first player to strike twenty frags wins. You start with a pistol and during the game session get better pieces. But what I pretty much hated the aim, you can shoot in just four main directions, so some solid aiming on the move doesn't bother.

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MooD: Waist-High in Hell MooD: Waist-High in Hell MooD: Waist-High in Hell

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