
Not-So-Massive Action Game

Not-So-Massive Action Game

A hectic game-play, packed with gunshots and frenetic enemies. Take a weapon and solve quests, or just try to survive. Count on a massive action.
Easy? Forget about it and start to look for a wingman. This game is pure hard-core. A sole soldier stands against hordes of bad guys. You can solve quests to gain medals, or play a survival mode. The missions vary, once you demolish cars, then bodyguard a miss, then survive a hot interval. Eliminate enemies instantly, be it choppers, soldiers, or armor, before they form up, or you die very quickly. Arsenal includes side arm,grappling hook, RPG, grenades, rifle and sometimes you can use a med-pack. Don't be ashamed, if you fail a lot a the beginning, it takes some training to survive. This game deserves to be played, however suites better hard-core players. Multi-player is available, the game is fun and sound is well done.

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Not-So-Massive Action Game Not-So-Massive Action Game Not-So-Massive Action Game Not-So-Massive Action Game

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