
 Radial Plus

Radial Plus

Originality is calling players. because here comes a game with a a decent batch of hot gameplay and unusual idea. This space shooter excels in one thing and that's unusual form of liquidation of the enemy.

Don't be excited by few graphics or sounds and music ever further. The main idea is that the only possible way in this space shooter to neutralize the enemy is a gunfire. However beware nothing to harm by the direct hit. The only option is to let a shot bounce off the walls or materials that are nearby and the bullets or lasers become murderous. Unfortunately it is true of opponent's fire as soon as they see or only register that somewhere flee deadly dose start in that direction and they fire. So either you decide to try the stealth approach, or you try to be the first to fire. It is really a terrific game, which might merit more sophistication in its design.

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