
Echoes of Terra

Echoes of Terra

Very distant future, where a member of a new human generation tries to gain as many info about the Earth history. But he has many problems because the base where you are is invaded and something isn't just all right. You get up from your bed and try to find out what's happening. Don't worry you get more questions than answers during the whole game. Echoes of Terra is the right point-and-click adventure which must be tried by every sci-fi or X-file fan. The tasks and riddles and well made and you will feel that the whole base is really big (but it would be nice to have more rooms). Some points must be given away because I have experienced a bug in the end of the game. I had the right approach and correct code but the game just crashed. I hope you won't have the same experience.

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Echoes of Terra Echoes of Terra Echoes of Terra Echoes of Terra Echoes of Terra

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