
Haunt: The Real Slender Game

Haunt: The Real Slender Game

Why is everybody so lured to go on abandoned places in the worst weather possible? It’s strange, you find weird notes, letters, pictures and items. Oh, it’s Slender.
He returns and what in a great shape! The authors of this game just pushed Unity to its limits and shows how much atmosphere in one camp can exist. The Real Slender Game is probably the best looking Slender game so far. Feel the loneliness and emptiness of one camp with several cottages and unexplored places.
It’s not so much about running (do not worry, you will eventually run as well) but you have to explore the whole place and fin all the notes to uncover quite interesting plot and background of Slender. Collect batteries for you light and enjoy the unpleasant feeling when you bump into very strange items or even running Tv. And in the end…. you meet him, the guy without a face. I can only recommend this Haunt Slender game.

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Haunt: The Real Slender Game Haunt: The Real Slender Game Haunt: The Real Slender Game Haunt: The Real Slender Game Haunt: The Real Slender Game

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