
Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest

Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest

Crash Bandicoot in action made in Gamemaker is here with fine gameplay and many jumps with your favorite hero. Try it.
The game takes you into several locations where you have to jump and get through several levels and defeat a boss.
The content is very arcade platformer so there is need to get over obstacles, defeat enemies and survive dynamites, exploding boxes and so on. It’s classical styled game but very entertaining. You can spin and get through ground. Collect coins for some shopping as well.

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Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest Crash Bandicoot Tiki Quest

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