
Omelette Boris

Omelette Boris

Global Game Jam 2012 produced thousands of games. The theme was Uroboros this time, this means infinity. And one infinity is in Omelette Boris where the main role belongs to one bird and an egg.
Uroboros is a snake who is eating himself creating a circle which is without beginning or end. Put it into the question if a bird or an egg was first and you have a theme for a game. Use the main hero to move some things, jump somewhere and then turn into egg and try to get on the marked place. But the egg cannot jump and most of the falls hurts, therefore you must use the prepared path. The game was made during 48 in Global Game Jam so the quality cannot be compared to the top freeware game but the graphics and simple control made my day.

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Omelette Boris Omelette Boris Omelette Boris Omelette Boris Omelette Boris

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