
Stealth Bastard

Stealth Bastard

This is really nice surprise, more than nice. You become a secret agent in one huge stealth adventure which beats any Agent 007 action. And what’s the best? It’s entertaining content.
When I say stealth I do mean stealth with all its crawling, hiding in the shades and avoiding any danger. It has really a lot of content and things trying to harm you. There are robots, lasers, crushers, etc. You only need to get into the next level but to do so you have open many doors and the difficulty increases with every new level. The higher difficulty is about playing one level for half an hour.
But that’s not everything. The big plus is about fans who create their own levels. Stealth Bastard has a pleasant editor and the more creative guys make really interesting obstacles. The graphics is nice retro and the audio isn’t bad at all.

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