
Time Slash: Clash of Eras

Time Slash: Clash of Eras

One evil company has taken two rival from the past. One is a samurai and the other one is a ninja. They must join their skills and power to get out.
So we have a samurai who can run through wind and use a special attack to break glass. Ninja is really good in climbing and throwing shurikens, really not a bad weapon. These and more skills will be very handy because they have to run away from one company who took them from the past. The game is built on few arcade and logic obstacles. The whole 2.5D fun lasts only some minutes, there are only 2 levels but the authors promise more to come. The control could be improved as well, specially the ninja is a bit jumpy.

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Time Slash: Clash of Eras Time Slash: Clash of Eras Time Slash: Clash of Eras

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