
Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery

Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery

Dominic Crane is strange artist who has strange visions of countries that have never existed. Help him to solve the mystery in the symbols of his dreams. You begin in a house. The game combines several genres. You are going to search for a light, collect different items, etc. But the main content is searching for items according the list. You can use hint but it’s limited by time. If you click on a wrong place the cursor disappears for a moment. The places you have already searched are marked by strange blue light. The game is very tricky and the main storyline is filled with puzzles and riddles. It contains nice graphics and great audio.

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Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery Dominic Cranes Dreamscape Mystery

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