
House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding

House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding

The wedding day is very important for everyone. Imagine a couple from a cat world in this situation. The whole house is up, everything is cleaned, important thing are bought. Will be everything prepared in time?
Because the house has a lot if rooms which are needed to be clean you have to run from one room to another and search for items according the list. When you see one just click on it. If you fail and click on wrong thing you can lose 30 seconds from your time limit. Through the game you buy important items for your wedding and you can even choose. Play the wheel of fortune but you can lose money with it as well.

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House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding House of Wonders: Kitty Kat Wedding

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