
The Enchanting Islands

The Enchanting Islands

Once upon a time there was a kingdom, where everyone prospered and infinite beauty surrounded everything until an evil witch came forth and the kingdom began to fade. Only wasteland survived witch's rampage. Help good sorceress to reestablish the kingdom as it once was.
Magic land consists of numerous independent parts. Each offers its beauty and each is different. You must revive everything to its former state. It is a classic scheme of match tree. You need to crush different metal plates by forming three matching objects set around the game-area. For longer chains you may get a bonus score. You fulfill missions like gather a set number of an item of certain kind, for example five apples. High score may be exchanged for magic, there are bonus weapons like bombs and hammers. The game excels at graphics and sound. This is a top in its own genre.

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The Enchanting Islands The Enchanting Islands The Enchanting Islands The Enchanting Islands The Enchanting Islands

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