
Huru Beach Party

Huru Beach Party

Also, you are cold and you really need to warm up? And what about the beautiful sunny sandy beach where you can hear the lapping of waves? Precisely because such an atmosphere creates this simulator, where on the beach you take on the role of a waiter. And sometimes it can really take sweat.

No matter what I wondered as I wanted, I did not understand, what the authors thought creating those special little body and face, but so be it. Treat these weaklings as people. Most obviously, the female sex who came to bask on the beach. You as the owner of a small patch of, well you have arrived to settle and serve. Lemonade will be served. Beware of the level of lemonade. It is necessary to pour a glass as full as possible, you are rewarded with the largest number of smiles. Moreover, you have to worry about the chairs. If there is a brush with them, you have to clean up. Of course, you still have a waiting list of tasks that I'm not gonna deliberately tell you. Entertaining will be easy work, sound, and maybe inspire some tolerant the graphics.

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