
Virtual Villagers: A New Home

Virtual Villagers: A New Home

Imagine that your are member of a group of people which has survived shipwrecking and must now survive on a small island. Learn your tribe what will need – collecting food, finding water, improving homes, loving and having babies.
In the beginning, the people don’t know too much, you have to teach them everything. The island offers everything what’s need for the survival. But the well needs cleaning and you have to clean it. Notice, that every villager has his/her role and they get more experience using and practicing them or can learn new one. The guys will become builders or explorers. Women must collect food, water or look after children. If you want to have bigger tribe you should create pairs and increase their chance of having baby. The kids can be useful as well. After some times more skills emerge and you will need doctors and other special people. All can be found but it needs time and that’s the biggest minus. Most of the time nothing interesting happens.

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Virtual Villagers: A New Home Virtual Villagers: A New Home Virtual Villagers: A New Home Virtual Villagers: A New Home Virtual Villagers: A New Home

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