
New World

New World

Since the discovery of the New World has already passed a number of years so noone never really remembers, what was it like to get to new territory and begin to settle. A few games have already occurred , but this topic just a couple of free-ware creators ventured into this idea.
Such commercial pieces as a series of Civilization or Age of Empires part are much preoccupied with this idea, but this piece has something different a bit. The first thing person perceives is a little worse graphics, but made by a single game creator, so it is still acceptable. Game principle is simple, it is a bit of a combination of Colonization and Desktop Dungeons (this metaphor is not mine). You have a boat and explore new worlds. All the time you have to watch the indicator of food, so if you fall to zero, begins to fall morale (in this game are pluses) and this can mean your quick end. All the time you fight differently and gain experience, if you have a boat full of goods, you can simply return to Europe and get some penny. According to the creator the game is still not fully tightened so that there occurs a mistake and imbalance.

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