
Shaman Odyssey: Tropic Adventure

Shaman Odyssey: Tropic Adventure

The shaman’s mask makes you the leader of your tribe who must be effective but some things can be solved are too difficult for the community. For these things you are here.
Who wouldn’t love to be a leader of some people on tropical islands? You build more and more new building and solve new problems in every level. The game combines building and collecting resources as building material and ingredients for potions. These help you and succeeding in the tasks. The management isn’t some hardcore care but more as relaxing problem solving. Some moments would be better to put away as collecting seashells to unlock new building but besides this the game is really good. The pleasant feeling from it is bigger thanks nice 3D graphics and nice colours.

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Shaman Odyssey: Tropic Adventure Shaman Odyssey: Tropic Adventure Shaman Odyssey: Tropic Adventure

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