
Warzone 2100 Resurrection

Warzone 2100 Resurrection

Warzone 2100 is one old classic but not for a group of fans and developers and those people were able to make this piece of game into modern type.
It is almost unbelievable but during the years the game is free this group has been developing and improving the game and now they have finished version 2.3 and still improving it. Warzone 2100 is not needed to be introduced to much. It is a real time strategy and your goal is to destroy your enemy. Mostly you fight with futuristic vehicles and weapons. The community around Warzone is quiet big ans still multiplayer games are played. From the release tens of new maps have been made. What is truly amazing the technology tree offers almost 400 possibilities of evolution and development, sounds like heave. The graphic is for the size 53MB absolutely fantastic and with tis great gameplay and sound it is a must have title.

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Warzone 2100 Resurrection Warzone 2100 Resurrection Warzone 2100 Resurrection

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