
Král Jister 2

Král Jister 2

Second continuing of one of the best czech text games. Get you darling Ariabel out from the power of king Jister, that kidnaped her. This game beggins right where the first part finished and it is upgraded a lot (interface, controls and so on). If you like text games, King Jister 2 would be the game you should play.

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Clara Granado | 16.02.24 am29 00:21

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Jasso | 16.02.24 am29 00:19

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Melyssa Zemlak | 16.02.24 am29 00:15

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Rau | 16.02.24 am29 00:13

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Král Jister 2 Král Jister 2 Král Jister 2 Král Jister 2

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