
Zombie Storm

Zombie Storm

For many of us worst idea is to remain in the middle of desert with only a rifle, knowing that the bloodthirsty monsters are running around. Exactly this situation arose here and you'll have to do well in tense moments when the zombies won't die after the first hit.
Although you can play knowing that you have stronghold back up, your hope cools down quickly when discover that you cannot hide here. To ever see zombies head out boldly forward. First you go after the monsters rather weak. so you get only one shot kill, but you have to aim good. Can be identified by thin body construction.

But then the situation becomes much more complicated. The first problem occurs when you need to reload. Rifle at the short time becomes useless and zombies are much closer to you. Another problem is the zombies with larger frame won't die with one bullet. They have to be shot multiple times. And at the end the monsters are coming who can not even be called zombies.

When you will feel that the situation is dire and many monsters around you, try to escape. Although it may seem impossible, it is certainly easier to move and surprise smaller groups than let the zombies get into great shape aligned to tear you to pieces.

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