
Color Cross Online

Color Cross Online

Color Cross Online is a logic game with number where you turn on your brain to use the right colors according the number.
Each level contains a canvas with empty squares and your goal is to fill them with the right colors and only the right places. To be able to get it right you must use numbers on the edges. If there are 15 you must color 15 squares. Between the numbers is one empty space at least and that’s how you make it.
When one color is done the game continues with the next colors and the situation repeats. Some square are already filled so the next steps are easier. As you progress the picture grow in size so more square incoming. Prepare your brain it’s not so super simple.
The game is really a fresh wind among the logic game. It’s some kind of combination in minesweeper and Sudoku. Various quest and social part make it more interesting.

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