
Bucha Farm

Bucha Farm

A game, which is well designed, stylish and quickly paced. Fall in love and create a farm of your dreams. Trade seeds and fruits and pay visit to a local merchants.
A registration is a must, then you are free to play. Create an avatar to represent you in a game. Design it according to your taste and then nurture your first bed. Each bed must be paid and there is a limited number of beds in each level. You get some starting supplies and may use a fine tutorial. Control is done mostly via icons. Move by clicking a spot. Use merchants to buy more supplies, like seeds, herbicides, and other useful stuff. You can trade all goods, including your harvest.
Don't forget to monitor a condition of your plants, just click and choose a magnification glass, which opens a tab with all details. Of course you can invite your real friends. Enjoy farming and make your business grow.

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