


Who would not want to look into the famous Las Vegas? And would not you have your equal city of neon and glittering casinos? You can. Build your Vegas and arrange hotels, guest houses, bowling or spectacular casino. And earn lots of money.
However, before starting the construction, it is important to know that the city does not shine on the perpetual motion machine, so it is important to build a sufficient reservoir of energy. It is power plant, and you soon discover that you do not need just one station. The more buildings, more energy is needed. And if it is not enough, Vegas will not let you build another building.

If you want your game progress faster, it is appropriate to perform tasks. These are displayed on the left of the screen like an exclamation point. They are relatively simple, but often very costly financially. Vegas after you might want to have built five hotels and attractions arranged for customers. You have to meliorate the city with ornamental trees and cacti. The further you are in the game, the more money it will cost you.

Each building, whether it's a casino, hotel, hostel or bowling earns separately and can be upgraded. New buildings can be built only on the squares marked in green. If you want to get to the other, which are not currently available, you must first build roads that will take you there. Apart from gold coins are in Vegas notes, for example, can be used in accelerating the building. But beware! The banknotes are produced harder than gold and you buy a building for them you cannot buy for gold, so I recommend in this regard, economy.

It should be noted that it is long run. On completion of building higher levels you need for hours. But the view at night is definitely worth it. The authors made a point. Despite the fact that the day you might not ever happen. If you like the glowing inscriptions, quietly let the night as long as you want.

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