
Zoo Kingdom

Zoo Kingdom

With your own Zoo garden kit, you can create an amusement park of your dreams and make everyone feel right at home.
At first there aren't many options as usual. At least developers grant you some options how to arrange animal pens. You may put in one spot more kinds of animals. This opens some space for creativity. Constant developing generates experience and it means you evolve level wise. You can use numerous accessories like plants, benches, trees, to make the place interesting. Be innovative. Create corners for children and couples in love. Show your animals to the world.
Make sure your plants and animals have everything. You can see what needs to be done. Plants need watering and animals to be washed, fed and broods want to be petted and played with.
The game offers many options and interface is user friendly. Tutorial and help system is available. Invite friends and compare creations. Put it on the wall, so everyone can see, what you made.

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