
Car Stories

Car Stories

Sound of the engine, loud exhausters and speed number which look like your bank account. Car Stories aren’t only about racing but building your own car city.
In its way the game is more classical than it looks at the first moment. You will become owner of a free place waiting to be used for parking spaces, garages, services and salons. All is from the scratch and in that moment the tutorial begins showing you all the basic, functions and possibilities in the game. Is it good? Yes and no, you will have your hands a bit cuffed and the experiment out of the box can ruin you, no money.

When you have some kind of working garage and first cars the game turns into the second part and mode – racing. Forget some circuits or famous places, here is only speed and spring in a short distance. You won’t face one opponent but the whole group and to succeed you have to fulfill few things. The power of your car must be high as possible, right start is necessary and you must pres keys in the right moment to simulate gear up. After the race you get reward according your position in the end and if you play well you move to the next section in the world map. Then your return to your “base”. The racing system is a bit repetitive and it’s more about the car’s power than your reflexes.

So the main content is about building your car heaven. Car Stories doesn’t have the license so forget shiny Ferrari, Porsche or Jaguar, they may resemble some of them but forget the names, it’s a bit pity with chance like this. The pushing power in this game is improving the gained cars by collecting car parts from various buildings you own and combining the cars together. This leads to a brand new vehicles and pieces and some of the can be really great.

Limited are surely here but mostly you will feel lacking of money and building space, parcels because various garages and needed for various cars. The game runs without any problems or bugs but the graphics style looks a bit old and the game lack behind competition in this area. Let’s say we have an average game here where the racing system can be truly fun only when competing with your friends than unknown players and where the main fun stays at the city building and combining cars.

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