
Pot Farm

Pot Farm

After some time some fuuny game. If you like FarmVille adn other games of this type go and have a look on fields in the middle of a forest. Why this place? Well of course we do not want to have all the plants confiscated by the police. Pot farm is a bit parody to the same farm games.
In this game you are top class grower of the weed, growing it on huge fields. For the start money you buy first seed and after the time limit it is time to get it in. After this it is time go to the market. There you sell and buy new seed. Here you can buy few new types but at first it is not so funny but after some time you can choose from many many kinds. Generally, more expensive means better. The quality affects the time you need to grow it. You avatar can visit fields of your friends too.
More items and special things are included but you have to find them during playing.

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