
Call of Thrones

Call of Thrones

Call of Thrones from YeepGame has shown some hype before the release promising quite a lot thing. In the end many of these dreams came true and everyone can find in the China history a lot of fun in this good MMORPG browser game.
I’m certainly no newbie among browser games but Call of Thrones was the first 3D RPG for browser. You are put into the period of Three Kingdoms Era. This clearly means you can choose from three sides giving you three difference starting locations. The avatar creation is good and you can even choose from some fighting characteristics that will have impact for the whole game.

From the greenhorn into monumental battles

Your beginning is similar to several same shaped MMORPG games. The hero gets some quests which help you to learn and understand the game, its possibilities, rules and the behind story. However, the quests don’t vary too much and it’s mostly about “go kill somebody, collect minerals or material or just travel somewhere”. The good part is when you get into a guild and join several players the game turns into big entertainment you can enjoy some fine monumental battles and raids.

Your beginning is similar to several same shaped MMORPG games. The hero gets some quests which help you to learn and understand the game, its possibilities, rules and the behind story. However, the quests don’t vary too much and it’s mostly about “go kill somebody, collect minerals or material or just travel somewhere”. The good part is when you get into a guild and join several players the game turns into big entertainment you can enjoy some fine monumental battles and raids.

The battles run the game

The quests and task may be stereotypical but the battles are much better. If you fight alone or with colleagues the game turns into the battle mode. It’s something like semi-automatic turned-based thing. The slashing and hitting is in real-time but the action points (cannot remember the name now) is filled during it and you decide how you want to spent the points and what spells and attacks you want to use. You are limited so you cannot use the whole special arsenal in one moment but that give chance for strategy and tactics.

By the way, when I’m talking about tactics. Many players surprised me with their talks about the game that it’s tactical or strategy RPG. Later, I found out the fact about weapons and items. They have their strengths and weaknesses. Someone told me that the written characteristics are sometimes misleading and wrong but I didn’t have any same experience.

Fauna and Flore is rich in Call of Thrones and the graphics is typical for MMORPG transformed into browser game. The variety of units is fine but it’s normal to bump into warrior, explorer, leaders, etc. thieves. That means a lot of thing have just different description. I really liked the size of the world and need to travel through cities and wildness but the story line was really boring and I lost interest to follow it very soon. This game is really over average RPG with some small mistakes and the main fun begins in the late middle game, but it doesn’t take long to get there.



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Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones Call of Thrones

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