
Alien Battle 2

Alien Battle 2

The world is under fire and you are the only one who can save it. It's cliché but fact as well because you are the only space shuttle in the space. Taping on the enemy ships you shoot and you have to shoot them sooner before they get to the Earth. The enemies attack in groups and in different speeds so you have to aim well. Collect money and bonuses for you and the Earth. So buy new weapons and upgrades.
The world is under fire and you are the only one who can save it. It's cliché but fact as well because you are the only space shuttle in the space. Taping on the enemy ships you shoot and you have to shoot them sooner before they get to the Earth. The enemies attack in groups and in different speeds so you have to aim well. Collect money and bonuses for you and the Earth. So buy new weapons and upgrades.

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