
Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo)

Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo)

3D oldschool game. Walk through a complex filled with corridors and shoot enemies leaving ammo and health kits. There is a map to orient around. The main thing, typical for mobile phones, is the control. It's not so bad. Without any too practice but with a long setting up in menu. Control is by arrows in the display or use the trackball. The sensitivity can be changed and it's up to you what you prefer. This game is only demo, but five levels is quite good.
3D oldschool game. Walk through a complex filled with corridors and shoot enemies leaving ammo and health kits. There is a map to orient around. The main thing, typical for mobile phones, is the control. It's not so bad. Without any too practice but with a long setting up in menu. Control is by arrows in the display or use the trackball. The sensitivity can be changed and it's up to you what you prefer. This game is only demo, but five levels is quite good.

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Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo) Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo) Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo) Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo) Gloomy Dungeons 3D (free demo)

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