
Hungry Shark Free!

Hungry Shark Free!

Become a human-eating shark. He doesn't have easy life at all, or in this game for sure. You have to eat everything near to fend hunger and fill your health. Not everything is good for you and don't swim to close to the beach or you can get on the send. Great looking game but it's limited to the score 12 500 points. There should be trilogy so wait for the second part.
Become a human-eating shark. He doesn't have easy life at all, or in this game for sure. You have to eat everything near to fend hunger and fill your health. Not everything is good for you and don't swim to close to the beach or you can get on the send. Great looking game but it's limited to the score 12 500 points. There should be trilogy so wait for the second part.

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Hungry Shark Free! Hungry Shark Free!

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