
CZ Teletext

CZ Teletext

A software that brings you the teletext functionality at your mobile device. You may choose from ten stations, including sport, news, or TV schedule. The teletext may be browsed using touchscreen interface and typing a number. Click go to refresh a page. Sub-pages are addressed by typing a corresponding letter. Content may be pushed and zoomed to your taste. this software isn't suitable for those with low band-with. Each place with Wi-fi connection offers solid operation.
A software that brings you the teletext functionality at your mobile device. You may choose from ten stations, including sport, news, or TV schedule. The teletext may be browsed using touchscreen interface and typing a number. Click go to refresh a page. Sub-pages are addressed by typing a corresponding letter. Content may be pushed and zoomed to your taste. this software isn't suitable for those with low band-with. Each place with Wi-fi connection offers solid operation.

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