
Google Goggles

Google Goggles

This application allows you to shoot a logo, text, or book and DVD cover, however also other objects and then find info about it over Internet. It can be a web page and or video at You-Tube. It's true you won't be able to do it with a yogurt package, or your favorite pet animal, but still, it's fun. This doesn't mean there is no practical use, you just have to think about it. It does well certainly with logos and text, because the software tracks important points. An Internet connection is a must and it is better to shoot a non-shiny surfaces.
This application allows you to shoot a logo, text, or book and DVD cover, however also other objects and then find info about it over Internet. It can be a web page and or video at You-Tube. It's true you won't be able to do it with a yogurt package, or your favorite pet animal, but still, it's fun. This doesn't mean there is no practical use, you just have to think about it. It does well certainly with logos and text, because the software tracks important points. An Internet connection is a must and it is better to shoot a non-shiny surfaces.

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