
iBeer FREE

iBeer FREE

Finally, such application arrived to phones running Android, so you can have a delicious dewy beer. Taste it on the phone is not much, but as a joke to the pub for real beer it is an excellent thing. This application graphically draws a decent-looking golden brew that tilting the display drinks. One of the funniest things I have not yet found at the Android Market. In the paid version you can also enjoy other sounds, and drinks. The initial fascination by this lasts in team a while :-).
Finally, such application arrived to phones running Android, so you can have a delicious dewy beer. Taste it on the phone is not much, but as a joke to the pub for real beer it is an excellent thing. This application graphically draws a decent-looking golden brew that tilting the display drinks. One of the funniest things I have not yet found at the Android Market. In the paid version you can also enjoy other sounds, and drinks. The initial fascination by this lasts in team a while :-).

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