
Little Photo

Little Photo

This is an editor for you pictures and it's one great piece of software. It offers many effects which can be set up more in the colour and intensity. There is possibility to bring text or another picture too. Any picture can be returned into its original format and style. The effects cannot be combined but it's till amazing how many things are offered in this free thing. The only problem is that if you want to work on the saved picture you must take a picture before.
This is an editor for you pictures and it's one great piece of software. It offers many effects which can be set up more in the colour and intensity. There is possibility to bring text or another picture too. Any picture can be returned into its original format and style. The effects cannot be combined but it's till amazing how many things are offered in this free thing. The only problem is that if you want to work on the saved picture you must take a picture before.

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