
MHDroid Jízdní řády MHD

MHDroid Jízdní řády MHD

Great thing that shows where you are and the closest stops around. The timetable of departures of them vehicles is shown too. Write the start position and the destination and all lines will be shown. There are several cities and connection between them as well. You can save what you need too. I am afraid that this utility is only for the Czech Republic.
Great thing that shows where you are and the closest stops around. The timetable of departures of them vehicles is shown too. Write the start position and the destination and all lines will be shown. There are several cities and connection between them as well. You can save what you need too. I am afraid that this utility is only for the Czech Republic.

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MHDroid Jízdní řády MHD MHDroid Jízdní řády MHD

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