
SP Finger Paint

SP Finger Paint

This utility is great for music clubs, where you cannot hear your own word. Here you can use this program for drawing and describing what you want to say. Use your finger and draw what you want to say. You can use variations of lines and combine different colours. If you make a mistake you can undo it too. The program offers you manipulation with the pictures and photos as well. There is one problem, if you use it too long it crashes down. No more missing papers and pencils.
This utility is great for music clubs, where you cannot hear your own word. Here you can use this program for drawing and describing what you want to say. Use your finger and draw what you want to say. You can use variations of lines and combine different colours. If you make a mistake you can undo it too. The program offers you manipulation with the pictures and photos as well. There is one problem, if you use it too long it crashes down. No more missing papers and pencils.

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