
Talking Tom Free

Talking Tom Free

This is very popular software at The Android market, so lets take closer look.
It is basically a voice recorder and plays it back remixed. You may send it then over Face-book also. Tom instantly repeats everything you say, he can scratch display, you can give him a glass of milk, or pet him. It is nice application, however rather big with almost 16 MB. If have enough memory, this is a must have. Enjoy.
This is very popular software at The Android market, so lets take closer look.
It is basically a voice recorder and plays it back remixed. You may send it then over Face-book also. Tom instantly repeats everything you say, he can scratch display, you can give him a glass of milk, or pet him. It is nice application, however rather big with almost 16 MB. If have enough memory, this is a must have. Enjoy.

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