
Ballon Popper - FREE

Ballon Popper - FREE

Lama spits at balloons and have limited number of tries to hit and get rid of them. Begin with aiming and then choosing the power of the shot. It's easy, thanks simple tapping and touching the display. The levels and difficulty is various thanks number if tries. The balloons often move so being accurate is needed. Simple and fun game with under skin going music.
Lama spits at balloons and have limited number of tries to hit and get rid of them. Begin with aiming and then choosing the power of the shot. It's easy, thanks simple tapping and touching the display. The levels and difficulty is various thanks number if tries. The balloons often move so being accurate is needed. Simple and fun game with under skin going music.

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Ballon Popper - FREE Ballon Popper - FREE Ballon Popper - FREE

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