
City Jump

City Jump

Jump like Superman from side to side after the infinitely large skyscrapers? No problem, the City Jump will allow you to do this! Waiting for you are several game modes in which it always is one - jump across the walls of the building as high as possible. On the way up you will be pested by various saboteurs trying to destroy you. You need to avoid them on time, yet still pick up some bonus and blast up into the sky. Super fun, I recommend!
Jump like Superman from side to side after the infinitely large skyscrapers? No problem, the City Jump will allow you to do this! Waiting for you are several game modes in which it always is one - jump across the walls of the building as high as possible. On the way up you will be pested by various saboteurs trying to destroy you. You need to avoid them on time, yet still pick up some bonus and blast up into the sky. Super fun, I recommend!

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