
Doodle Frog trial

Doodle Frog trial

Lead a frog over a very busy traffic and get as many points possible. It's quite old game principle but it's still fun. By moving your finger round the display you move the frog in four basic directions trying to find some space among the cars. Estimate the situations and watch out for barriers. You have only three lives. The control can be changed into classic arrows or trackball. The graphics looks like from a student of the first grade.
Lead a frog over a very busy traffic and get as many points possible. It's quite old game principle but it's still fun. By moving your finger round the display you move the frog in four basic directions trying to find some space among the cars. Estimate the situations and watch out for barriers. You have only three lives. The control can be changed into classic arrows or trackball. The graphics looks like from a student of the first grade.

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Doodle Frog trial Doodle Frog trial Doodle Frog trial Doodle Frog trial Doodle Frog trial

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