
Egggz lite

Egggz lite

Today we have another passable remake of one old classic, this game is about catching eggs. Become a farmer who has hand full of work with his chickens. They are going to give you many eggs from many sides and you have to move really fast to put them all in the basket in time. Campaign awaits you and possibility to buy improvements for the received points. The only minus thing that this is a demo-version and misses the best.
Today we have another passable remake of one old classic, this game is about catching eggs. Become a farmer who has hand full of work with his chickens. They are going to give you many eggs from many sides and you have to move really fast to put them all in the basket in time. Campaign awaits you and possibility to buy improvements for the received points. The only minus thing that this is a demo-version and misses the best.

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