
Forest Runner

Forest Runner

A very nice arcade game where you try to jump through into the finish of each level. The control is only by clicking on the display. The guys is still moving forward so the timing of each jump is important. You meet many obstacles, pitfalls and flesh eating plants. All must be jumped over. Luckily you can use checkpoints so there is no need to start from the beginning if you make mistake. The only minus goes for the low number of levels.
A very nice arcade game where you try to jump through into the finish of each level. The control is only by clicking on the display. The guys is still moving forward so the timing of each jump is important. You meet many obstacles, pitfalls and flesh eating plants. All must be jumped over. Luckily you can use checkpoints so there is no need to start from the beginning if you make mistake. The only minus goes for the low number of levels.

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