
Jump free

Jump free

Falling into an endless gorge that could be really strong nightmare. Or it could be great base for a mobile arcade game, this time Jump free. Simple goal - by clicking on right or left you move with the figure who falls still down. To not falling absolutely down you will safe him on a few flatwares. But careful with spikes they take lives. You can choose from several difficulties and the score is saved in a table. Quick abreact game but not good quality.
Falling into an endless gorge that could be really strong nightmare. Or it could be great base for a mobile arcade game, this time Jump free. Simple goal - by clicking on right or left you move with the figure who falls still down. To not falling absolutely down you will safe him on a few flatwares. But careful with spikes they take lives. You can choose from several difficulties and the score is saved in a table. Quick abreact game but not good quality.


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