
Micronytes Demo

Micronytes Demo

An elite leukocyte fights its way through flue and must destroy some green slime. You have to get over many pitfalls filled with gastric juice, disappearing blood cells and spikes. The only thing you really need is jumping. The control is really smartly made. The display is separated into two invisible halves so touching on one means movement. The jump is by flipping the phone. You visit fifteen levels together
An elite leukocyte fights its way through flue and must destroy some green slime. You have to get over many pitfalls filled with gastric juice, disappearing blood cells and spikes. The only thing you really need is jumping. The control is really smartly made. The display is separated into two invisible halves so touching on one means movement. The jump is by flipping the phone. You visit fifteen levels together

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Micronytes Demo Micronytes Demo Micronytes Demo

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