


Simple concept come up with a ninja on wall as high as possible, another ninjas with a blue scarf make it difficult for you, they throw stars, so the birds and other obstacles. Hopping from side to side, you must avoid, or destroy, as after the only direct hit you will fall and score won't be higher. The game mattered to me a bit of a slow start. Before the pace gets a bit faster and obstacles will come, it's a bit boring and too easy.
Simple concept come up with a ninja on wall as high as possible, another ninjas with a blue scarf make it difficult for you, they throw stars, so the birds and other obstacles. Hopping from side to side, you must avoid, or destroy, as after the only direct hit you will fall and score won't be higher. The game mattered to me a bit of a slow start. Before the pace gets a bit faster and obstacles will come, it's a bit boring and too easy.

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