
Office Jerk

Office Jerk

Throw pencils, rubbers and even staples, aim at colleague hard at work. Be entertained by this humorous game. In free version you have quite a rich set of objects available, from office equipment to a cake. I personally like the staple to trash a window and/or a picture hanging on a wall, which means bonus points. A great relaxer. On Wildfire and other weaker machines the game takes a bit longer to load.
Throw pencils, rubbers and even staples, aim at colleague hard at work. Be entertained by this humorous game. In free version you have quite a rich set of objects available, from office equipment to a cake. I personally like the staple to trash a window and/or a picture hanging on a wall, which means bonus points. A great relaxer. On Wildfire and other weaker machines the game takes a bit longer to load.

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