
Panda Fishing

Panda Fishing

Panda is not only good in Kung Fu but, in this game, it can fish. However, this Panda needs your help to catch something. Will you help?
When searching for some food this Panda get to this fish rich water. But it’s only up to you how many of them will be caught. Swing the hook and sink it deep into the water. When rolling back, try to kook as many fish possible. When they get out you can carve them up. Watch out for the bombs, they destroy the fish. The trophies can be seen in the gallery and you can buy something for them.

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David | 24.02.12 am29 01:44

Fun game but have been playing a long time, have all the fish and trophies except the "fishing trophy" which apparently has an extremely low drop rate. Would be nice to see some new fish or levels.


Panda Fishing Panda Fishing Panda Fishing Panda Fishing Panda Fishing

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