
Paper Jet Lite

Paper Jet Lite

Throw a paper airplane and see how much range it can fly. Total boring, right? But as soon as you can exchange the money received and collected Stars, will be able to afford a variety of upgrades, the game time of the pun is rapidly extended. You will earn the possibility of tilting the screen to control, improve its performance thanks to rocket propulsion, and a few other things so you create your super paper planes. In principle this is a game of up to infinity and beyond, so the number of throws is unlimited and it's all about to get money for various improvements.
Throw a paper airplane and see how much range it can fly. Total boring, right? But as soon as you can exchange the money received and collected Stars, will be able to afford a variety of upgrades, the game time of the pun is rapidly extended. You will earn the possibility of tilting the screen to control, improve its performance thanks to rocket propulsion, and a few other things so you create your super paper planes. In principle this is a game of up to infinity and beyond, so the number of throws is unlimited and it's all about to get money for various improvements.

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